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Quiet oil - free air compressor pigging and diameter measurement technology

Quiet oil - free air compressor pigging and diameter measurement technology

发布日期:2018-06-15 作者: 点击:

The purpose of pipeline pigging of silent oilless air compressor is to remove sediment, welding slag and other sundry matters left in the pipe of silent oilless air compressor during welding, so as to provide guarantee for pipeline diameter measurement and normal operation. The purpose of pipe sizing is to determine the extent of circle loss, creases, pits or other deformations in the pipe and the pipeline capacity before pressure testing.

Pipeline pigging and diameter measurement of silent oilless air compressor is an important process that USES the silent oilless air compressor to inject compressed air into the pipe section after the line welding and backfilling and before the hydraulic test to push the mechanical pig to carry out the debris cleaning and diameter measurement in the pipe section.

In order to achieve better pigging, diameter measurement effect and accurately determine the location of defects, the pipeline is usually divided into segments for pigging and diameter measurement. The segments are usually divided into adjacent segments between valve Chambers or between valve Chambers and adjacent pigging stations. The length is generally about 30 km, less than the length of the pressure test section.

The diameter of the pig used for silent oilless air compressor pigging and caliper measurement is usually 5% to 8% larger than the inner diameter of the pipe. The pig used for diameter measurement is roughly the same as the pig used for pigging, except that there is an additional caliper plate in the former. Gauge plates are generally made of aluminum and are usually 12 mm to 15 mm thick. The diameter of diameter plate depends on the inner diameter of the pipe section under test, and the diameter reduction design of the pipe section should be taken into account. Generally, it is 95% of the minimum theoretical inner diameter of the pipe section under test.

Quiet oilless air compressor pigging and diameter measurement of the construction process is exactly the same. In mute oil free compressor before pigging, caliper, on both ends of pipeline for receiver and launcher installation of temporary first, after the completion of the installation of pig receiver &launcher pigging or caliper with packed pig launcher, and then start the mute oil free compressor to infuse the compressed air launcher and compressed air driven pig to move forward, until the pig to push inside the pipeline, welding slag etc sundry silt to receive the ball inside the cylinder, inject compressed air to stop the line and open the exhaust of the exhaust valve in the receiver and launcher. When the pressure in the pipeline drops to atmospheric pressure, open the ball receiver to check pigging or caliper effect. If the total volume of sediment, welding slag and other sundries in the ball tube does not exceed 5 liters, the pigging tube is qualified. After the diameter pig reaches the ball receiver, remove the diameter plate on the pig. If there is no obvious deformation of the diameter plate, the diameter measurement is qualified. For complicated pipelines, pigging and diameter measurement can be carried out by establishing back pressure.

Silent oilless air compressor



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