Medical oil-free air compressor

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Notes for daily use of medical oil-free air compressor

Notes for daily use of medical oil-free air compressor

发布日期:2018-11-28 作者: 点击:

This paper is mainly to introduce the daily use of medical oil-free air compressor matters needing attention and the preparatory work before maintenance.

I. to understand the importance of lubricating oil, oil shall be changed regularly

Special oil for air compressor is a part of semi-synthetic oil, its service life is usually 3000-4000h. Pay attention to the quality of oil, pay attention to the oil level in operation, the oil level indication in operation must be in the green area, the oil temperature should be controlled in operation, avoid water in the oil tank. Regular replacement of lubricating oil, replacement of lubricating oil not only put the oil in the oil tank, if so there will be 15% of the oil did not put out, but also to the reversing valve, oil valve, oil cooler plug and other places open oil and oil pipeline in the remaining oil drain, in order to ensure that the new addition of oil clean.

Ii. The cabinet is well ventilated

Three, regular inspection run, run, drop, leakage

Compressed air leakage is common in most systems. The leakage of compressed air will cause the unit to constantly load to meet the pressure requirements, which will consume more electric energy. The leakage of oil system will speed up the loss of oil and increase the cost of oil supplement. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the leakage of compressed air pipe network and check whether there is leakage in the oil circuit. In order to reduce production costs.

Iv. Add grease to the motor regularly

Measure current and voltage regularly.

An imbalance of 1% of three-phase voltage will cause a phase current exceeding 10%. 3.5% of three-phase voltage imbalance will increase the motor temperature 25 ℃. Therefore, the current and voltage should be regularly tested. Motor wiring must not be connected to the reverse, otherwise the main opportunity to reverse, resulting in bearing damage, screw bite dead.

Vi. The motor surface shall be cleaned, and the motor windshield and heat sink shall be cleaned of dust and insect debris.

Air compressor equipment should be regularly maintained at 4000h and 8000h.

Viii. Importance of preventive maintenance of oil injection compressor

Air filter, filter accuracy 20-30 m air filter clogging will lead to compression ratio and temperature increase, and reduce performance, the inner steel wire inlet pipe is negative pressure compressed flat. Air filter filtering accuracy is not enough, screw air pressure will cause dust into the oil circulation system, fouling lubricating oil, blocking oil filter and oil and gas separator, causing greater losses.

Poor maintenance of air inlet valve will lead to performance degradation and energy waste.

Oil and gas separator filtration accuracy 0.1 m, residual oil content 3PPM, screw air compressor oil and gas separator due to blockage caused by stronger oil flow, or oil and gas separation is not good enough to have more oil residue into the user's air pipe network.

Pressure valve. Failure of this valve will prevent oil entry and cause low oil pressure, thereby causing a failure of the lubricating oil seal between the rotors. It may also cause compressed air to flow backward from the air tube.

Temperature control valve, when the temperature of the lubricating oil is lower than the set point, screw air compressor oil temperature valve action, so that the oil does not pass through the oil cooler directly through the oil filter to the head. Failure of the valve may result in bypass of the oil cooler and subsequent oil temperature rise, oil system failure and high temperature jump.

Oil filter, filter accuracy 10-12 m, oil filter failure may lead to head oil and high temperature, or not through into the host.

Oil shutoff valve, oil shutoff valve failure will make the oil can not be sprayed into the rotor, screw air compressor and then cause the rotor bite dead or failure.

Medical oil-free air compressor



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